30 October 2009

Wedding FLower Flower

I wish.
I wish i could have all these orchids to surround our wedding day.
hehe..how i wish.

..unfortunately, these beautiful orchids were part of the Orhid Exhibition held in Star City Complex (sampai esok ja ni). I brought my students there to have a look and learn about these extraodinary flora. Have a look urself..
with my 2 mega pixel punya kuasa..hehe..

hen piao liang o..:) most of the visitors were chinese who seemed very3 interested in these plants.

O my goodness..purple and white orhids!! just right for our wedding occasion - kunun. hmm..

this type of orchid is given the name Hello Kitty. too cute to be true. :)

Okay. I will need lots and lots of this one. Deep purple orchids.
hehe..mana mau dpt free a..

This is the biggest orhids i've ever seen. look at the pure white colour. suci dan murni..

By the way, all the orhids are from Taiwan. BUT, according to a tour guide that one of my student bumped into during the exhibition, claimed that all these orhids can be found in Borneo. hehe..what say u? We do have more than a thousand species of wild orchids here in Sabah.

nc says: taiwan kah..sabah kah..kalu sa dpt ni smua free..waaaaaa so happy!!
28 October 2009

Marriage Made In Heaven

They say marriage is made in heaven.
A lot of people say so. No?
. . . . .

I still cant brush off what i've heard a few weeks ago - at church.
"tiada perkahwinan di syurga," the priest said in a sermon.

:( there was a big full stop in my mind.

The whole sermon was something about how we would be in the NEXT life - IF we make it there.
I cant help but wonder - until now: if marriage is really made in heaven, and why we have the blessed sacrament of marriage...WHY?
complaining..? not really. just thinking.. .t h i n k i n g.
can you imagine..we don't recognize one another anymore.. :( IF WE MAKE IT THERE.
Maybe its my S H A L L O W thoughts.
Forgive me, o Lord.
but..i guess, it is true. the world is never our own. even our souls.
Should we make it there..Praise.
In the meantime, appreciate whatever we have here now.

nc says: heaven knows..
25 October 2009

One Month

..it used to be 12 months..
..11 months (bulih guyang kaki lagi)
..10 months (..guyanggg..)
..9 months (guyang smbil buat keja)
..8 months ( guyang2 juga ba, tpi kaki tgn..keja)
..7 months ( guyang sini..guyang sana..jn lupa appoinment n sbgai ny)
..6 months (huhu..ok, guyang kaki pelan2 sda)
..5 months (ermm..ok bos, kalu mo guyang kaki..skijap2 ja)
..4 months (wow..bah, guyang ba,, nanti tension pla)
..3 months (orait, smbil guyang kaki, smbil rileks sikit..nanti stress)
..2 months (..gu..y..jarang2 sda k,, kc siap benda yg blm)
..1 month ,

..OK ba. everything almost done.
..just waiting for the right time to send out the invitation card n do the church songbook copies.
..yg len2..is just waiting to fall into position.heheh..


nc says: God bless us. Amen.
19 October 2009

Kita makan dulu..

Taking a break from wedding prep.

. . . . .


..what would u do if sTreSs come knocking on ur door,

ramai org suka makan,
sa pn..makannnnnn..heheh..
i know its not a good way to DE-stress..tpi..kalau ada org belanja n ngam timing..apa salah ny kn?

Presenting u..siapa blh teka apa ni makanan2 ni.. n di mana blh makan begini..eseh..mcm main kuiz pla..

gmbr, sumua kualiti hp ja a,, hehe..
not really a food review,
its the thought of sharing that counts ba kn..

di jamin sedap o.. - ada urang minum sup pakai chopstick o..haha

tuang kicap dlu..baru complete..heheh

msti kamu tau sda ni kn..:)

okayy...boleh makan sdaaaa :)

nc says:J n i really love eating out at this place. ni la ni koleksi2 gmbr momom dari sna.. hehe..siapa mau ikut makan...??
18 October 2009

5 weeks

Friend 1: mesti ko nda sabar sda mo kawin ni kn..
nc: ya, nda sabar mo kasi hbis smua ni urusan2.

that's pretty much how i would answer when asked about whether i'm eager to get married or not. (^_^)

J n i have about 5 more weeks from today to make sure everybody's happy on our big day.
Well, it's going to be 4 weeks left, come sunrise tomorrow.
4 weeks..? wow.

but.. we're doing quite well i guess..since all big issues and needs have been attended to.
besa la.. food n beverage..decor..gowns..etc etc :)
the invitation cards are all done!!!yayyy..hooray for myself dlu..sb nda lagi sa mau buat mcm tu. haha..

what's next? ..im still thinking of the best hymm to walk me down the aisle in church.
blm jumpa lagi o..susah ba pla mau pilih lagu2 yg ngam ni, n msti di benar kn oleh church pla. isk2..
kalau di ikut kn hati..i really would like to play any of Josh Groban's song..cewahhh..
mana bleh..hehe
siapa ada cdgn?sia bagi gula2. kikikik..habis idea sda ba ni..

nc says: "when you say you love me..do you know that i loveee you... " ni la lagu josh groban paling rumentik bgi sia..woohooo..JG i lapppiuuu.. ,ooopss.
09 October 2009

6 weeks

it was more than 6 months..when we started planning the details of our BIGgy day.
and now..6 weeks?
time really flies.
Daisypath Wedding tickers

..most of my friends know about the whole thing and beginning to ask for invitations..hehe..stay cool people..gotcha on the list.
cuma masalah ny..invitation blm siap o..hehehe..

its too late to blame anyone now..since i chose to do it on my own.
ni la ba ni kalu perfectionist yg inda juga perfect..hmm.. sory dear, i should listen to u.
tpi,,mau juga kasi puas hati sndri kn..haha.. (^_^)

nc says: the stack of invitations..hmpir siap sda kunun smua. im going solo on this.
:) though not the most beautiful or perfect..,,im happy :)

meanwhile..here's how my lappy keyboard looks like now..adui,, i thought i was going to get rid of them (the stickers) the next day after being used. sb..bikin pening mula2. but now..im beginning to get the hang of it.haha..bought it for rm5 from a computer shop in C.P. (sinter puin). sepa2 mau bili..bnyk lagi yg kiut2.. :)

o.k,,..till then.
07 October 2009


"..tiada sda dia. ."

My father recalled the telephone conversation he had with our foster relative, yesterday.
I choked back on tears as i heard how little Fernandes had gone just like that.
His father was crying as he broke the news to my father.

A healthy 10 year old boy, suddenly stricken with mysterious illness.
His feet was swollen, but the doctors couldnt find anything wrong with him.
His chest was in pain. Still, the doctors couldnt help.
That was a week ago.

He is free now.

I could hardly accept the fact that this 10 year old cute face, who would ransack our dvd collection and play different movies every 15 minutes,,,is not here anymore.
He was the youngest.

Bless his soul dear Lord.

nc says: that is the lost of just ONE family. the whole world seems to be at loss now against mother nature. God have mercy..
02 October 2009

Baadddd kittyy,,

..i was 'spring cleaning' my hard drive when i found this:

..quite sad huh..a very cute cat being put in captivity?
We were on our way to kundasang previously (for the photoshoot in August) when we stopped by at a local residential house that provided a public washroom (hehe..yg men bayar 20sen dlm tabung kecil tu.) i guess the place was just before Pekan Nabalu.

That's when i noticed this very seemingly healthy n quite chubby cat being put in a bamboo-made captivity, just outside the house.

mengiau ngiau tu tingau..dgn kuat ny..trying to get my attention, as i was heading there.hmm..cumil lagi tu. kaki sa mcm ada magnet bejalan laju pgi dkt tu kurungan ( lupa trus ni ada org tggu di kereta haha)

sepa la ba yg inda kesian tingu kucing kena kurung gini kn..huhu

well, according to the owner of the cat (hehe..sempat lagi cerita2 ni)..the cat 'killed' n ate a lot of his chicks..that's why it was locked away - tpi nasib di bawh rumah dorang juga, n kena kasi makan lagi :)

hmm..too bad. i was told that it was a quite common scenario when u have cats n chicks running around freely at home. but i believe if we 'educate' n feed the cat enough, it wouldn't be hunting for chicks kn..(^_^)

nc says: duiii gia..ti tungau..kesian. :( wonder if it is still in the bammboo cage..
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