wokey..firstly, thanks Nads for the tag..i hope ur senyuming when u see this picture haha
n to all my bloggers fren out there , near or far - smile.. u look hot when u smile..haha (hmm..there's a song in my mind rite now..mcm repeat mode pla dari kemarin ni.. you know I CANT SMILE WITHOUT YOU..) ba, nyi a..smbil tingu ni tag ^_^
rite..lets do the TAG

Kindly leave a comment on this post so I would know you've posted it.
- Thanks to Kris n NADia for this tag.. :-)
2. Write down 5 things you are grateful for and the 5 bloggers you are tagging.
- 5 things I am grateful for;
1. this life
2. my family
3. my JoY ^_^
4. my five senses
5. all God's creation
- 5 bloggers that i want to tag are;
1. ervina
2. cath
3. Pam
4. Gracie
5. Michelle Tan
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29:11
My precious readers,
Hehe..I’m onto a little Christmas biz this season ^_^ What better ways to pamper your loved ones OR yourself..than giving them a piece of heavenly scent.
Yep, im ‘marketing’ a collection of perfumes here by One Drop Perfumes (Egyptian Potion) which u CANNOT get that easily at ur next perfume shop (limited supplier). Though a Malaysian –made product (ya la, ingat btul2 heaven sent ka? Haha..metafora baitu..) , I have to admit that its damn good than any other inspired perfume oil. Long lasting, original scent, n no alcohol or water added. ^_^
Cant afford the $$$ perfume thingy..? this might (MIGHT..ok) be ur answer
Selling price? 12 MYR per bottle (individually wrap + choco gift)
Mahal ka?
Hahaha..bah, pg la kamu beli sndiri di kadai lain ^_^ or..you can buy this at a cheaper price of course, in the Peninsular Msia.
Neway,, this is a mini venture for me in the ‘dare to fail’ department.. and..ACTUALLY USING one of the EFFECTIVE (claimed by many) promotional tool that I have only preached to others before hahaha – well..Looking good..so far *pat on the back* ^_*
Comments and criticism are highly welcomed. Customer is always right.
A few blogger friends made reviews about the film, which fired my desire to grab the next ticket at the nearest cinema. Hehe..just mention angels, devils, vampires, lycans or any mystical creatures to me, il be the first in line.
mm..whats so great about Twilight? I guess it has to be the romantic side of the cold blooded creature and an astonishing fact they are vampires on a diet. ??? haha,, its quite funny to listen to Edward (the beautiful vampire hero) saying they are surviving on animal blood and compare it as human living on tofu.

The leading lady is a combination of a calm, confident and cool mysterious beauty. No wonder the vampire just fell for her..,Get this..

- Constantine (is Keanu Reeeves still available?? Hahaha)
- Gabriel (Gorgeous archangelSSSS!! U should see how the story twist)
- Interview with a vampire (yes. It was Tom Cruise & Brad Pitt)
- Van Helsing (wanna see how Transylvannia looks like?)·
- Underworld I & II(bloody..bloody..bloody..interesting)·
- An American Werewolf in Paris (the werewolves are bloody scary but the story’s superb)
Hey, im normal, okai.
I luvvvvvv MAMA MIA.?? (^_^) Watch it triple time already. Im no dancing queen, but ABBA’s sooooooooooo fine!
Ok, u go watch TWILIGHT now. Tekeluar tajuk sda ni.
P.S: enjoy the movie posters below ;)
Van Helsing's cool but GABRIEL is my saviour angel hahaha..mmuahh!!