Hellow everyone..
This might the last time i will ever write and make an entry here.
I have a new 'home'!!!!
and its something very different..and not really a blog. hahaha... yaii.
anu bah..
its something i wanted to do long time ago..yep. a looooong time ago..so that its easier for me to share without having to write tooo much..tooo long and take up too much time. hehe.. i gues this is the norm for a working lady and mummy.. :)
i still love blogging. and so.. this is it. the new home.
please click the link above so i can take you to my new home.. and share with you more. :)
It's a facebook group page actually. so only those who join or wants to read from Yours Sincerely, Nc will get to do so. :) Its really a great way of sharing my thoughts and moments that i treasure with people whom i am connected with already in facebook.
So..here we go.
You are always welcome. Anytime. :)
Merry Christmas everyone. :)
Hitam Putih Kehidupan
1 week ago