Friday the 13th (today),, will not stop the spirit of all cupids in the air..right?
I'd like to wish to all bloggers out there a lovely valentine's day.. esp to..
Kris n Nadia (ko juga ba duluan,, hehe..)
Angelbear n partner (mari kita nyi lagu ciara,,:)
Gracie (yuuhuu..gracie,, ok sda lutut ko,,?)
Mia n Dzul ( n Shumi n Shamzi..eseh,,, tgk sa hafal sda nama anak2 ko kn,, hehe)
Uzoiey n Yus ( n si cumil yongyong..)
Michelle n hubby (everyday is Valentine ba kn, amoi,, if we want it to be?)
Charles n Esther (^_^)
Cikgu Cath,, (bila kita mo minum Setarbak ni cath?? )
Johnny (get well soon..)
Sue Fingers
Kisty n partner
Beck (rock on beck!)
Ervina (ba, capat ko balik Sabah)
Dusun Aroma n partner (kalu ada cukulat lebian,, bagi kami sini a,)
Gregchai kaw kaw ( bulih order special valentine punya kupi kupi kah ni hehe)
Pammie (yay!! Pizza jam 12 k,, hehe)
Mogiumtusin (hehe..bulih ba kn bos? hehe)
well,, let the pictures say it all.
I'd like to wish to all bloggers out there a lovely valentine's day.. esp to..
Kris n Nadia (ko juga ba duluan,, hehe..)
Angelbear n partner (mari kita nyi lagu ciara,,:)
Gracie (yuuhuu..gracie,, ok sda lutut ko,,?)
Mia n Dzul ( n Shumi n Shamzi..eseh,,, tgk sa hafal sda nama anak2 ko kn,, hehe)
Uzoiey n Yus ( n si cumil yongyong..)
Michelle n hubby (everyday is Valentine ba kn, amoi,, if we want it to be?)
Charles n Esther (^_^)
Cikgu Cath,, (bila kita mo minum Setarbak ni cath?? )
Johnny (get well soon..)
Sue Fingers
Kisty n partner
Beck (rock on beck!)
Ervina (ba, capat ko balik Sabah)
Dusun Aroma n partner (kalu ada cukulat lebian,, bagi kami sini a,)
Gregchai kaw kaw ( bulih order special valentine punya kupi kupi kah ni hehe)
Pammie (yay!! Pizza jam 12 k,, hehe)
Mogiumtusin (hehe..bulih ba kn bos? hehe)
well,, let the pictures say it all.

muahhahaha (bulih ba kn..)
weee.. im listed here..! thankss....
YA.. HAPPY VALENTINE to you also..
May the relationship you have know will last longer!
mesti la,, smua org kena listed,, sb,,valentine is for everyone kn,, hehe,,
thanks johnny,, u 2 k,, :) peaceeeeee
Happy Valentine's day to u too my sweet dear friend! May The Lord Bless You and Your Loved One, Today and Forever!
happy valentine's day!
Me? adei...teda kawan sana Singapore masih....mangkali kalau teda halangan next month baru p jumpa...see how lor..uhuhuhu~
Happy Valentine to you too kawan balik kah? jan sedih2 bah...btw tengkiulah sebab ingat nama sya punya anak2...he he
hapy valentine day juga sama nanti la sa dpt gaji dulu..hehhe
Happy valentines to all of u girlsss.. :)
Angelbear - bulih juga ba valentine tu, jarak jauh,, hehe sama la kita ni (^_^)
Mia - msti la dpt ingat nama kalau anak yg cumil2,,
kay - orait a, Setarbak!! heheh sia bja ko pisang guring special,,
I agree wt u nc, everyday is valentine not ony 14feb kan?
Wish u Happy Valentine!
yay.. thanks NC, happy valentine to you too.. sya on9 kjap ja ni..but pg rumah ko trus ni..hihi.. rumah ko ja sempat sya pg nanti sya post apa yg sya berbusy ya.. :) take care gurl.. :) thanks jg sya jg ba duluan..hihi.. :)
nc, terima kasih, nanti sia belanja kopi o kaw hehehe
happy valentine juga NC ^_^
ko dpt rasa kaitu kami kasi spread valentine dr gunung? kekeke
wuhuhuuu... ada my name sna ni.. thx nc! hope u happy always. siou bz ba ni budak sikul.huhu.
Hey2.. :) ty for the greeting.. :) rock u on too.. happy love day! .. :) [still not late eh..? :D]
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