So kepada sesiapa yang seterusnya yang akan dapat award ni, silalah:
1. Copy Badge “2008 Cute’s Blogger Award” untuk diletakkan di blog anda
2. Link atau ceritakan kembali siapa yg memberikan award ini kepada anda -
What i knw about Nadia:
Hehe..here goes(yg sia tau a,, inda meniru ni tau,, yg ko tulis sblm ni) ^_^
Full name of the lovely cute lady that gave me this award is Nadia Richard. She’s in Facebook, Friendster, catch her there y’all..but watchout, she’s engaged!hehehe
I wonder what the students feel to have a pretty teacher like her,, haha,,isk3..tpi,,strict kn,, sb guru disiplin.eh,, butul kaitu? (^_^)
Nadia, Nad, Nads, Nad Nad, is how I call her. Sometimes fill up my chatbox with Gracie dgn omong2 yg mengumbira kn,,haha,,and I really appreciate it.
Going to get married this year,,rite?hehe.ba,, ko dlu la a,,
Devoted to his Kris so very the much! (^_^)
3. Setiap blogger hendaklah menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum pemenang seterusnya - ( 5 fakta & 5 hobi la )
1. Im so happy to know new people in the blog world (Nadia, gracie, beck, kisty, Johnny, angelbear, suefingers, gregchai, mogiumtusin n a lot more) and keeping in touch with my friends via blogs.
2. The unhealthier the food, the more I luv it – fastfood, chips, deep fried. (trying to control it very much though..)
3. Caffein is my middle name (as in..i cant live without caffeine for a day – trying..trying.)
4. Im in luv with my fiancé n hopefully wedding bells will be ringing as planned. (stay tuned..haha)
5. I luv my family.
6. I luv travelling. Ultimate destination: Bora Bora island (wlupn dlm mimpi dlu la hehe) and Kuamut (kuamut??? Hehehe)
7. I luv watching movies – esp kalau ada org sponsor huahuahua
8. I luv swimming (wlupn inda hebat sgt),, and snorkeling (baru belajar,hehe)
9. I luv shopping – kalu ada duit la
10.I luv cats n dogs. Miawwwww…woof woof
4. Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan menyertakan nama mereka di blog anda.
And the award goes to.. ( Cute blog = Cute bloggers)
1. Nadia (hehe..cigu kiut miut mcm blog dia)
2. Uzoiey (ini amoi yg mau pg over the sea sda ni,,makin kiut blog dia,, mcm baby dia,, hehe)
3. Michelle Tan (auww..my good friend,,ur as cute and liang moi as ur blog)
4. Mia (another blog yg makin kiut ,,jn lupa bg ucapan a,, dpt award lg ni hehe)
5. Pammie (if u think the blog is cute enough, wait till u meet the real cutie behind the blog
6. Gracie (I luv black n I think black is cute n cool)
7. Suarasiperindu ( drop by n ul see )
8. Johnny (hey..johnny the man!! U got a great blog n I think its cute, mcm urang dia kah.. kuang3)
9.Ervina (liang liang moi,, cute2 blog hehe)
10. Beck (u can never get enough from this blog )
ayay.. thanks :) hihi... now u knw a little about me kan..hihi.. n now i knw a little about you..hihi.. alah c gracie nda buli kena tag tu.. huhu.. :) ba.. stay cute owez..hihi... :)
Thanks nancy....!
weee sya dapat blog award lagi owhh!
will copy n do it soon ya..~!
anyway do tk care ya..
hehe..ur welcome nadia,,johny.
ya,stay kiut kita hahaha (^_^)
jadi.. sa kiut la ni kan? hahaha.. suma kita kiutt. 24 years old suma ;-P
Awwwwwweee... Sia dapat AWARD ooo! hehe special ka tu nan'? Tiang kiau kio! hehehe
:D lol.. got my name inside.. hehe.. :P will do it.. soon! :D thanx! nc
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