I remember the visit well – last month. It was right after the Sunday mass that I went up to my fiance’s house to visit members of the family and the talked about Kasih Sayang of course. Mr fiancé lives way up in the mountain, blessed with panoramic Kinabalu mountain view and the South China Sea (not to mention the oh- so – lovely cool breeze). The journey up to Kasih Sayang was a hard ride on the a**, as the roads were bumpy and muddy (after the rain). Nevertheless, passing by a few villagers house and watching cute* and adorable* piglets (* applied to some people only) made the journey worth it and ,,made you feel like a total a** for roasting/grilling/eating/masak kicap one of many Mother Nature’s gift.
Anyway, once arrived, we found out we were the only walk – in guests that time. So, I took a chance asking for a tour around the resort villas. The results – WONDERFUL (for the price you have to pay for the accommodation /spa treatment).
I love taking pictures (of places n faces) – a new interest. Thus , here are a few pictures of Kasih Sayang that I would love to share with you.
Isn’t Kasih Sayang is all about sharing..?
O yes, forgive me. Where the heaven is Kasih Sayang?
You can take the way down to the Kiansom Waterfall in Inanam. You’ll see a 70 degrees junction with the Kasih Sayang signboard, a few meters before reaching the waterfall. Just follow the junction, until you reach the place (hahaha). Don’t worry there’ll be no other junctions, oopps, only one (take the one to the left, to the left- sing Beyonce), the one passing by Mr fiance’s house and a few more kilometers ahead before reaching Kasih Sayang. Just ask the villagers for the way around. But they will all be giving you the same direction bah– “Na..ik saja.., sampai itu nanti”. (^_^) ..because that’s the only way – up. Just like heaven.
You can take the way down to the Kiansom Waterfall in Inanam. You’ll see a 70 degrees junction with the Kasih Sayang signboard, a few meters before reaching the waterfall. Just follow the junction, until you reach the place (hahaha). Don’t worry there’ll be no other junctions, oopps, only one (take the one to the left, to the left- sing Beyonce), the one passing by Mr fiance’s house and a few more kilometers ahead before reaching Kasih Sayang. Just ask the villagers for the way around. But they will all be giving you the same direction bah– “Na..ik saja.., sampai itu nanti”. (^_^) ..because that’s the only way – up. Just like heaven.
Staircase to heaven..? well,,almost,,the beautiful pathway will lead u to the Manja Manja Spa.
Welcome to the Manja Manja Spa - be prepared to be manja..
A litlle spring cleaning would give the guests a clearer view of the golden words..
My family enjoying their teh tarik - better drink fast if u dont want it to get cold.
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