24 September 2008

Picture of the Day

Today's sunset is for tommorrow's beginning..isn't it?
I've kept this pic for so long in my hard drive,, i almost forgot about it.
A bit of cropping here and there,, to get the best out of the view..

I love sunsets..so beautiful and peaceful.

This view was taken from my fiance's village in Bambangan Baru..kinda like an African sunset..right? only this one,, with the South China Sea in the background.haha.. with the bright orange color..no editing was done, except for the cropping :)

Slow and steady..shimmering and splendid. That's how i would define it - the sunset.

Tell me,, what's in your mind..everytime u watch the sun sets down (^_~)

22 September 2008

A Piece of My LiFe . .

We only have this life. so,, its Be It, or be done with it..


LIfe is what you make it
for every moment could be your last
every minute you waster, is a minute lost
every second spent unhappy
is a second that you never see again

when there is an end
there is always a begining
when there seems to be no hope
there is always hope
when you are in pain
there is always someone
wishing you're not

when a door is closed
a window is opened.

So sit back n watch the power of God work in ur life for doing the thing that u know He loves. Remain blessed.

- source:unknown
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